Infant/Child Frenectomy

Tongue Tie

A tongue tie is defined as restricted tongue movement that causes functional problems as a result of a too-tight or short lingual frenum. A lingual frenum is the remnant fetal tissue that is found midline underneath the tongue and connects to the floor of the mouth. A tongue tie is diagnosed based on the symptoms of the problems a patient is experiencing and thorough oral examination. The medical term for tongue tie is ankyloglossia. A tongue tie causes significant issues for the breast feeding infant and may also cause problems with bottle feeding. A tongue tie that is left untreated as an infant may cause other health problems in the future; such problems can persist over a person’s life in different ways. For children, teens, and adults, common issues related to tongue tie are found in speech pathology, sleep apnea, and feeding/eating issues.

Lip Tie

A lip tie is defined as the restricted upper lip movement that causes issues as a result of a too- tight or short labial frenum. A labial frenum is the tissue found in the midline underneath the upper lip and inserts into the gums in the area between the two front teeth. A lip tie causes significant issues with breast feeding and may cause bottle feeding problems too. Frequently, a lip tie occurs with a tongue tie. A lip tie that is left untreated as an infant may cause future health issues with dental decay and/ or spacing, speech, and feeding/ eating problems.


A frenectomy is the procedure that removes the tissue of the labial and/ or lingual frenum to release the abnormal restriction. Dr Pacella uses a state of the art, Solea CO2 laser, offering her patients the best, most advanced dental technology available to perform this treatment. There are many benefits to using a laser: minimal discomfort, minimal bleeding due to laser hemostasis (stops bleeding), faster healing, bactericidal properties (prevents infection), and increased precision and tissue removal. Frequently, when scissors are used to release a lip or tongue tie, the procedure is incomplete, which usually results in the persistence of symptoms and complications.

Call our office today for a consultation and let us help!

(724) 625-7200
160 Brickyard Rd #500
Mars, PA 16046